
January 07, 2025

Today, a chapter was closed in my personal work history. Today, I checked out the latest version of our C++ codebase and set up building and running of it using Cmake.


What this means is that I quit having Xcode open and running the application at all times. Xcode must by far be the software development tool I have been using the longest at work, even beating out version control systems and perhaps even my usage of Zsh if one really wants to go wide with what consists a software development tool.

Other editors and IDE:s never even come close. Eclipse does keep hanging around in my tool chest and has been in there for a very long time, but it only comes out when necessary because some old codebase is already set up and running there. It is a sort of frozen setup for those particular projects. (Sometimes, I even break out my previous work laptop and open my Eclipse setup there. I have hopefully done that for the last time, but I have thought so several times before.) Xcode, on the other hand, was always running.

I did some amount of debugging as well, from time to time, and it will be interesting to see if I replace that with something else or simply push that over to the main developers of the C++ code. Or perhaps I will take the time to figure out debugging in Visual studio code or some other craziness …

Anyway, milestone: passed. A good start to the work year, now that I think about it. Apart from that, it was not the nimblest of days mentally. But hey, I was late into my first cup of coffee as well. And I did remember how to log in to various things and find stuff I was working on before the holiday.

Hey …

This also means I use no single piece of Mac-only software to do my job. Not that I actually want to work on any other platform, but it is a little bit exciting to know that it would now be straightforward to switch if the urge struck.