Saturday was treat day. Not in quite that extreme food way, but in the general full of good things way. Melin and Åhs paid us a visit and we cast some pod, tried a surprising amount of gin, played with the dog and generally had a great time.
Today has, very appropriately, mostly been spent walking and sitting in the sun. A long dog walk among all the other sun-deprived people and dogs in Slottsskogen, coffee in the sun, grilled hamburgers outdoors for late lunch. And some more coffee. The sun warm in that way which makes the dog just lie down in the middle of the wooden deck and absorb the warmth.
A sun-warmed dog to cuddle, what else do you need?
Oh well, I think I need to get a thing or two more in order before the new week breaks out. Much nicer to do it slowly right now than need to do it in a hurry later, right?
(Yes, I am actually trying to do as little as possible and feel good about it. I think I am doing a … decent job.)