Short stuff

Date: 2008-11-02 11:52:02 Created: null

My basic kit of things to bring includes my Palm, but neither my mobile nor my wallet.

I have now reached such an old age that I've started breaking my spaghetti straws in half before putting them into the boling water instead of putting them in whole.

du ska få skriva lite tänkte jag en lite moderniserad text till "who are we?"-sidan, lite mer seriös och så dessutom en text till var och en av dom här kategorierna: projects, info, members och communicate

jag behöver dessutom korta inledningstexter till dom här sidorna (till att börja med): current projects, finished projects, download, forum och newsletter men här räcker det med ett par rader jag kommer att lägga till någon liten förklarande snutt på slutet av dom

My own webcomic. One character, the 3vil hacker-type - me with longer hair. The good, big, hero-type - me with short hair. Both with a connector below the left ear. Ph34r th3 phrui7! Chapter or image 1: Someone toils late into the night ...

Ph34r m3, f0r I h4v3 phini5h3d 5tuntm4n!

My workpattern: Lots of tea, lots of web browsing, lots of unstructured writings.

What I want isn't a thin client with fat servers, what I want is a fat client with, possibly, some thin servers.

The description of your primary computer as "the one that one runs one's Universe on" (Amit Singh, is just great!